Welcome to the Shop Associated with the 16th Annual 17th Annual “You’ll never make art again Jetty” Fundraiser and this year is super special as it is some of the best art I have ever made. There will be 12 Special Edition handmade by me pins to celebrate my biggest achievements and moments in the past 16 years. Each pin is unique and different from the next, a hodgepodge of my artistic education into as many different styles and intriguing combinations I could imagine. Currently these pins are in an exceedingly small run so get them while you can! Best part about it, 50% of all sales goes straight back into awarding scholarships and grants for cancer survivors and caregivers (Shameless plug and Full Disclosure: Our programs are available to any cancer survivors or caregivers, please let me know or send a link to our group to anyone it may assist. I am the founder and president of this 501(c)3 nonprofit. Annually, I receive a $50 (FIFTY) stipend from our organizational budget. If you have any questions or concerns about our organization, please feel free to reach out.) I have plenty of wall scrolls thanks to the most generous donation from LitJoy of their misprinted scrolls from 2019 but I have yet to decide if I will create more of these designs or move on the next set- Full disclosure, I paid for the shipping; the scrolls themselves were free. I have been working on these pins for well over a year and I genuinely appreciate all the support that everyone has given. Thank you and keep making art! I
New 2022- FREE Shipping on Full Scroll Sets to celebrate 17 years!

Thank you for checking out my re-release of my 17th cancerversary pins. This is now the permanent home for these pins.