Hello Everyone! 

Thank you for coming to my site. For the past few years this site has been used primarily as the fundraiser site for Ending Cancer in Our Generation, a nonprofit art community for anyone affected by cancer. We are working hard to create a magical world through protest, support, and creativity. We finally have our community set up in two different web areas. We have an art community and a vendor community. Our main focus is our vendor community to help build and support our artists. If this interests you, follow the links below to join!

As the community builds, this site will become more about my art projects and hosting the three stores that are below: Magical items, Awesomeness, and Personal Art. However the best place to purchase to support ECIOG is through the vendor site. It is very difficult to try to run four sites, three businesses and two households. >_< I will do my best while I am here to get everything in a good place as soon a possible.

Thank you for supporting my art and mission,

Much Love, 



Our Magical Store- Wizards, Witches, Muggles (and Squibs) Against Cancer -W.W.M.S.A.C

We have brand new magical items from Geek Gear, Loot Crate (older), and LitJoy- as well as magical themed art.

50% Donated to Charity

*Please note that these items do not raise money for JKR or the hatred that she sadly spreads in the world now. In the interest of full disclosure, ECIOG creation was funded in part by a donation from JKR prior to 2010

Crazy Jetty’s Amazing Emporium of Total Bucket List Madness

Includes both new/unopened items as well as an online garage sale of great used items. Basically, my hoarding of super nice stuff and my unnecessary retail therapy is being passed right on to you! Best part about it, 50% of all sales goes straight back into awarding scholarships and grants for cancer survivors and caregivers

Vendor Site Will be created at ECIOG.org in the future for ease of posting.

Jetty’s Custom Art and Creations

Custom orders, business orders, general art projects and creations only related to Jetty can be found here, these are usually related to cancer.

My Art is also featured HEAVILY on the ECIOG Vendor Site. Linked Image below

Pillow Book of Jetty Art Membership (21+ Only)

The Pillow Book of Jetty is an art exploration to re-create pieces pre GBM diagnosis. It will include adult content so ID verification is required. It is a monthly membership with perks varying per price.

All content dependent on my health and time allotment

Kintsugi is the idea that there is beauty in the imperfections and that accepting them leads to a more harmonious and joyful existence.  


Due to the nature of our products and the way the proceeds are donated- all sales are final, we do not offer any refunds, returns or exchanges. Please contact me as soon as possible if any issues arrive so we can make every purchase ending magical. Thank you in advance for your understanding and constant support.

I do my absolute best to provide accurate measurements and descriptions, however, I do not guarantee anything to 100% accuracy for these post/item/works. As a GBM, brain cancer, extreme survivor, I am lucky I can even type, let alone try to write full descriptions and handle a store all by myself. 😛 If you have any issues with your order, please contact me as soon as possible so I can find a way to remedy it. Thank you again for looking at my work and helping me make a difference in the world.